
Paul Chick tune4u at
Mon Mar 24 21:45:09 MST 2008

I've seen it in some of the woodworking supply catalogs.  A web search.?


Paul C


And need to add the Protek pump spray lube for keypins...I guess I have the
TFL also...don't use much though...

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA 94044


Subject: lubricants

Schaff used to sell a lubricant called "Slide All", I think, made by
Elmers..  It's gone.  What does Schaff has that replaces it?  I got a
lubricant with teflon from one of the better hardware stores, but it stays
wet too long.  I have to order a music desk hinge, and have to make up a
minimum order.  I also need lubricants, so advice would be appreciated.

les bartlett 

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