more trouble than it's worth (was tune, chip with oversized pins?)

David Love davidlovepianos at
Mon Mar 24 19:46:39 MST 2008

Like everyone else has suggested, doing it the way you plan is a mistake.
You don't know whether the block might fail altogether, not to mention
broken beckets, strings, etc., etc..  Don't make the customer's problem
yours.  What kind of piano is it?  Either treat the block with CA glue and
see how that goes or redo the thing correctly.  Don't be pressured into
taking shortcuts for the sake of the customer's previous bad experience and
create one for yourself.  We've all done it and wished we hadn't.  Here's
your opportunity to learn from other's mistakes.   I recommend you take
advantage of it.  


David Love
davidlovepianos at 

-----Original Message-----
From: pianotech-bounces at [mailto:pianotech-bounces at] On Behalf
Of daniel carlton
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 11:28 AM
To: pianotech mailing list
Subject: more trouble than it's worth (was tune, chip with oversized pins?)


hi guys 

thanks for the input.


I don't get the question exactly.  Are you replacing tuning pins without
restringing?  The whole set?


yes, the whole set, without restringing.


...damper adjustments. etc. Speaking of which, you should remove the dampers
when repinning, especially in the bass. 


i didn't want to get into dampers. i still at the point where i don't like
them. uh but i guess if i'm to do the job i have no choice. at this point,
the owner might as well replace the block. i guess she had it "rebuilt"
20-30 years ago. she called it rebuilt, but it might have just been a
refurbish without a new block because the pins are so loose. 


these are the jobs that are frustrating to me, because it's always "well if
you're going to do this, you might as well do that, and if you're going to
do that, then you might as well do this." i think it's the stress of not
knowing how much to estimate.





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