ETD's, tricks, and learning

Leslie Bartlett l-bartlett at
Fri Mar 21 19:29:15 MST 2008

If someone gets brave enough to produce a manual on TL with "tricks" as to
how to modify programs to make tunings more "aural", I would request that
such manual be accompanied with diagrams.  There are many different learning
styles, and learning from a manual which has no illustrations, and lacks
very simplistic, detailed descriptions simply leave me unable to absorb
things which to many seem very obvious.  Though I finished a masters degree,
I did so with great difficulty, not knowing till many years later that I
somehow didn't absorb things in the "normal" way.  I so wish it weren't
true- but it is, so thought I'd offer that for any who provide documentation
in any form.
les bartlett
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