birdcage pitch

David Boyce David at
Fri Mar 21 18:42:46 MST 2008

Well I haven't found any problem with *tuning* the little Lindners - they 
tune up perfectly well and sound quite good for their size.

The problem, of course, is the action.  The risk in tuning would be that 
action parts might well break as you're tuning.  It's at least five years 
since I encountered one of them, and the already fragile actions parts in 
these are now five years more fragile.  So I think before atteptning to tune 
one now, I would very carefully warn the owner of the risk of action parts 
breaking and that I would not be responnsible for any, if the owner chose to 
go ahead with the tuning.

I recall finxing a damper lever or flange on one by using silicon mastic.

Best regards,


"Concerning the Lindner Irish plastic pianos: don´t even try to service or 
tune them. These "pianos" are the most worse case scenarios I encountered in 
my life as piano tuner. And I saw a lot of strange things in that business.


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