one mute

David Boyce David at
Wed Mar 19 16:48:30 MST 2008

I should have said also that Capleton's book has several pages discussing 
issues surrounding tuning trichords - whether it's better to: 1) Tune the 
middle string to the first string, and then tune the third string to the 
middle string, with the first string wedged (i.e., tuning two 'separate' 
bichord unisons), or
2) Tune the middle string to the first string, and then tune the third 
string to the first two strings, unwedged (trichord unison).

His deliberations are interesting.

I find the Papp's wedge fast and easy to use, and invaluable in an area with 
as many birdcage actions as I face!

Best regards,


"That sounds right to me.

I'm using the felt wedges sold for bass tuning.   Wide ones mostly but the 
thinner ones for uprights until
I run out of room.   The Papps mute is the plastic chopstick thingy with a 
spring to keep the tips apart?
I have one in my kit, but have not really tried it...I'll give it a go on an 
upright this afternoon...

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA  94044"

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