Yamaha jack question (I figured...)

William R. Monroe pianotech at a440piano.net
Tue Mar 18 19:21:54 MST 2008

Let us know Terry,

Typically if there were not enough lost motion, I'd would expect the jacks to hang on the butts on a very slow release of the key.  Hmmm.....

Who knows, might still be the problem.

William R. Monroe

  Thanks Bill!

  Yes, I think you hit on it! I thought the very same thing while looking at it in my shop and observing the jacks and thought that maybe there was not enough LM which could, indeed cause the hanging jack problem. I believe there is INsufficient lost motion! No, the jacks were not hanging up on slow release. I'm reinstalling the action in the morning and will check that there is enough lost motion. 

  Terry Peterson
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