balance hole reamer?

William R. Monroe pianotech at
Tue Mar 18 15:29:37 MST 2008


Yes, the tool is worthwhile.  Occasionally balance rail holes are too thick at the bottom and this tool resolves that.  If the hole is too thick, it can lead to a spongy feel as the Balance Rail pin presses into the too tall key bottom.  

JD, it is not for enlarging the diameter of the hole.

If I were you, Holly, I'd call Pianotek and order it, and request a catalogue, or call Jurgen at Pianoforte supply and order it.  I've routinely been disappointed by the tool quality from Schaff.

William R. Monroe

  Has anyone tried the balance pin hole reamer that Schaff is now supplying? I never saw it in the old catalog, but the new one is carrying them. I still don't have my hands on a Pianotech account or catalog yet, and am about to place an order to Schaff for some stuff. Thought I'd ask if this tool is worth it from these sources. If this is an inappropriate question to pose publicly to the list, apologies and feel free to delete. 

  Holly Quigley
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