balance hole reamer?

John Delacour JD at
Tue Mar 18 14:52:35 MST 2008

At 15:39 -0400 18/3/08, holly quigley wrote:

>Has anyone tried the balance pin hole reamer that Schaff is now 
>supplying? I never saw it in the old catalog, but the new one is 
>carrying them. I still don't have my hands on a Pianotech account or 
>catalog yet, and am about to place an order to Schaff for some 
>stuff. Thought I'd ask if this tool is worth it from these sources.

I can't imagine ever wanting to _ream_ a balance hole.  If I find 
them too tight I just ease them a little with a smooth awl.  Once you 
get the slightest movement at the balance it will deteriorate faster 
and faster, and enlarging the hole by actually removing wood strikes 
me as a sure way of hastening this process.


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