Bass Bridge Position-upright

Fenton Murray fmurray at
Wed Mar 12 19:50:46 MST 2008

 I guess the thing to do is rebuilt 'em in Kansas or Ohio, take
> 'em to the west coast, live in 'em for a year or so, and sell at a big 
> profit.
OK Ron, will make a small fortune. You rebuild out there for 12K, ship them 
out to California and I bet we might get 800 bucks apiece in this economy.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ron Nossaman" <rnossaman at>
To: "Pianotech List" <pianotech at>
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: Bass Bridge Position-upright

>> Anyway, I hear ya. I never suggest anyone rebuild their upright, and I'd 
>> only get involved with a firm disclaimer as to end value. But, if the 
>> quality's there, that 1 out of 3. You know, good for the client, good for 
>> the piano, good for me.
>> Fenton
> Suggest rebuilding the upright? Well, sure, I have. When they insist that 
> they want it tuned and functional, and I can't raise the dead without 
> doing some real work, I'll suggest rebuilding as the only way they'll get 
> the piano functional. If they don't immediately try to banish me with a 
> garlic clove and sharpened crucifix at the first mention of the prices 
> involved, the end value disclaimer, with explanations, follows. We rarely 
> get past the garlic, and never to the "good for the piano" part. I've met 
> a lot of old uprights I'd have loved to rebuild, and a lot more I'd pass 
> on if it ever came to that.
> I guess the thing to do is rebuilt 'em in Kansas or Ohio, take 'em to the 
> west coast, live in 'em for a year or so, and sell at a big profit.
> <G>
> Ron N
> Ron N

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