Bass Bridge Position-upright

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at
Wed Mar 12 16:30:41 MST 2008

> Anyway, I hear ya. I never suggest anyone rebuild their upright, and I'd 
> only get involved with a firm disclaimer as to end value. But, if the 
> quality's there, that 1 out of 3. You know, good for the client, good 
> for the piano, good for me.
> Fenton

Suggest rebuilding the upright? Well, sure, I have. When they 
insist that they want it tuned and functional, and I can't 
raise the dead without doing some real work, I'll suggest 
rebuilding as the only way they'll get the piano functional. 
If they don't immediately try to banish me with a garlic clove 
and sharpened crucifix at the first mention of the prices 
involved, the end value disclaimer, with explanations, 
follows. We rarely get past the garlic, and never to the "good 
for the piano" part. I've met a lot of old uprights I'd have 
loved to rebuild, and a lot more I'd pass on if it ever came 
to that.

I guess the thing to do is rebuilt 'em in Kansas or Ohio, take 
'em to the west coast, live in 'em for a year or so, and sell 
at a big profit.

Ron N

Ron N

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