Bass Bridge Position-upright

Clark Sprague CSPRAGUE4 at
Wed Mar 12 05:35:33 MST 2008

I have noticed the same thing since I've been here (Ohio).  Nobody wants to spend the money on restoring the big old upright piano, regardless of how good you tell them it could sound and play.  And the ones that express interest to start with, have the no-name ones that in all honesty and good conscience you can't advise them to spend the money anyway.  Not to mention the fact that when they hear how much it will cost, they wouldn't do it anyway.
    That being said, maybe it's our mindset that doesn't encourage them?  I don't know, but I've tried more than a few times to get someone to try restoring one, to no avail.   
    My partner has a huge old Steinway that no one has even asked about in like 5 years, and everytime someone calls that is looking to buy, we talk about it.
Clark A. Sprague, RPT
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Greg Newell 
  To: 'Pianotech List' 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 12:50 AM
  Subject: RE: Bass Bridge Position-upright


                  I have , on occasion, told my customers that this is happening on the west coast. They look at me like I'm completely nuts as if were suggesting that they consider it. It MUST be a coastal thing. I've got a fairly old S&S upright that looks quite good for its age. Plays and sounds good too! I can't seem to give it away. (Not that I'm trying to actually GIVE it away mind you) J


  Greg Newell
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