Steinway model Z weak bass

David Boyce David at
Mon Mar 10 11:40:36 MST 2008

Ron, thanks very much for those suggestions. A couple of the things you 
mention had occurred to me, but by no means all of the things you suggest 
checking. Great.

Fenton, I've encountered detached bass bridges a couple of times.  On both 
occasions there was a gap between bridge and apron, with the bridge just 
hanging there on the strings, suspended as it were in mid-air.  So I judged 
it best to cut a shim from very thin plywood and glue it to the (cleaned) 
bridge. Otherwise, to just glue the bridge back would have resulted, I 
suppose, in negative downbearing - upbearing, if you will!  Both times were 
very successful.

Best regards,


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