Compaq IPAQ Pocket PC with latest Reyburn software loaded.

Rich Snelson rsnelson0984 at
Mon Mar 10 11:09:49 MST 2008

Hello to my old group of friends. Most of my tools have been sold, most to a fine young piano tech in Decatur, Il Mr Chuck Beck RPT...Congr to Chuck... Thinking I might still do some tuning I purchase the following about a year ago. However at 72 I'm putting more time in my novel writing and don't have the push to go out and find customers. Chuck has been doing a great job with a lot of my past ones. So here is what I have for sale:
Compaq IPAQ model 3764 with a backpack holding second battery and a backup memory card.
I just loaded Reyburn latest software this morning so it's ready to go. Included is the Reyburn SentinelKey, Seiko CyberFork and the library of tuning styles. I also have a second backup IPAQ that I will sell with the above or by itself. I plan to list on ebay but with delay a day or so to see if anyone on the list would want the equipment. It comes complete with a charging stand and computer connection for downloading. Contact me off list for details:

rsnelson0984 at
Cell: 217-972-7435
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