Hamburg String seating proceedures

BPpiano at BPpiano at
Sun Mar 9 09:28:40 MST 2008

Thank you for addressing the subject.  I have a follow up question to  the  
string seating issue.
Is there a logical sequence to seating the entire string including lifting  
or mating strings to hammers.
My concern is tuning stability, ensuring that one step in the process  
doesn't decrease the effectiveness of future steps in the process.
Is it preferrable to start at the bridge, tap at the contact points to the  
hitch pin, then work from the other side of the bridge all the way to the 
tuning  pin, then mate or lift strings?  Should we mate strings first, then proceed 
 from the ends to the bridge?  Should the mating be inserted in the middle  
of the process?
Bruce Pennington

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