Temperaments used for Beethoven CD?

A440A at aol.com A440A at aol.com
Thu Mar 6 07:46:34 MST 2008

<< Does anyone have the "Beethoven in the Temperaments" CD?

I've misplaced the portion of the liner notes that tells which

temperament was used for each track number.>>

   A Prinz was used for the first two, "Pathetique" and Op. 14 # 1.   A Young 
was the tuning Op. 27 and 53. 
        The Prinz  was specifically chosen for the Pathetique because of its 
full syntonic comma thirds that form the harmony for the middle movment( Ab) . 
 It seems that this was the generally accepted limit of tempering for most of 
the well-temperaments, and I wanted there to be an example of what that size 
third sounded like on a modern piano.   Tuners and musicians tend to have 
divergent impressions of the effect, but I got a lot of comments on that 
particular passage.  
     There are others that find musical resources in even more tempered 
intervals, it's a matter of taste, and most of us have learned there is simply no 
way of accounting for any of it. (that's pretty non-committal, I know).  

Ed Foote RPT 
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