Car Signs (Pros/Cons)

pianolady50 at pianolady50 at
Wed Mar 5 13:57:54 MST 2008

Hi Matthew,

I had a magnetic sign on each side of my truck for about 3 years.  I saw an increase in inquiries while I was in and out of the truck in parking lots, but no follow-through with business.  I handed out a lot of business cards (kept in the ashtray) but nada.  

My general contractor has found that having his name on his truck increased insurance claims against him (mostly for minor incidents that he had nothing to do with).  For example, a man comes out of the store and notices fender damage on his new Lexus.  Looks around and sees a nice truck with business info on the side albeit several rows away.  Guess who gets a call from their insurance company?  Personally I did not experience this.

I live in a very small community, in the northeast, so customer referrals have been the best for my business.  Oh yeah, also hasn't hurt that two of the three other techs in my area have had their names plastered all over the local newspaper...and NOT for good deeds.

Debbie Legg

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Matthew Todd 
  To: pianotech at 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 1:21 PM
  Subject: Car Signs (Pros/Cons)

  Greetings list,

  I have been shopping around for a magnetic sign to place on each side of my car.  What has been your experiences with this method?  I prefer magnetic so I can take it off when my car is sitting for a period of time so no one will see that I have tools to steal.  But then, if I got into an accident, would having the sign be more liability for me?  Or am I just worrying too much.

  I also would like to know if your business has increased because of the signs.

  Thank you,

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