Cereal Number Crunching......

alan forsyth alan at forsythalan.wanadoo.co.uk
Sun Mar 2 16:34:21 MST 2008

......was... you know what.

A long time ago, in an age where the pen was considered mightier than the sword (as against now when some refuse to accept that the Word (TM) is now mightier than the pen), before anyone could just "extract" and "re-format" "data" into a "compilation" at the whisk of a mouse movement and before I could afford to buy, at that time a very expensive but cheaply made reference work called the PeePingA, I drew up a chart showing customers how to date their beloved "upright(eous) antiquity" without reference to the serial number. I drew profiles of pianos more or less relative in size categorized into the decades in which they "may" have been produced. This worked as a very generalized guide to dating pianos made in the UK and on the continent based on the casework style. It might not be relevant in the USA but you are free to use it both in "idea" and "method".
Here is a "real" copy of that chart.

            Alan's Graphic Guide To Dating A Piano.
                ( perhaps I should re-phrase that)
I have deliberately omitted the graphic interpretation of the pianos from the Aeolian Era as the image may be considered obscene.

The author is not privy to clinging mercilessly to what is after all an outmoded guide, the accuracy and resolution of which requires much interpolation on the part of the user, so, the clandestine police network amongst the lurkers need not even contemplate pouncing.

Cop E Wright

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