Check for hot glue at the edges of the soundboard underneath... David Ilvedson, RPT Pacifica, CA 94044 ----- Original message ---------------------------------------- From: "Horace Greeley" <hgreeley at> To: "Pianotech List" <pianotech at> Received: 3/1/2008 12:17:52 AM Subject: RE: Buzz in an S&S D >Hi, David, Andrew, >At 06:39 PM 2/29/2008, you wrote: >>I'd be slow on the CA application...that might very well void the >>Steinway warranty, such as it is...apparently it is on it's last >>year of warranty. Call Steinway and get advice... >Not that it matters, but the S&S warranty used to be for ten years. >In terms of the buzz, though, I think I'd be a little reticent about >CA before really working through other possibilities, which are >numerous. It could be something as simple as a manufacturing chip or >a paper clip that is lodged in some out-of-the-way nook. I think I >might try blowing things out with a leaf blower or air >compressor. Working from easiest to fix/most likely to hardest to >fix/least likely can save time and aggravation. >Best. >Horace >>David Ilvedson, RPT >>Pacifica, CA 94044 >> >>----- Original message ---------------------------------------- >>From: "Andrew and Rebeca Anderson" <anrebe at> >>To: "Pianotech List" <pianotech at> >>Received: 2/29/2008 9:37:31 AM >>Subject: Buzz in an S&S D >> >> >> >I did a pre-concert-rehearsal tuning on an S&S D at a local venue >> >today. There was a pronounced buzz for notes B3 B4 B5 when firmly >> >played. I have already treated a cross-strut buzz on this piano >> >successfully. Checking it did not change the buzz at all. I put my >> >hand down through the second hole on the plate and pushed on the >> >sound-board which stopped the buzz. ?!! This is a five-year-old D >> >with a DC system on it which until I came three years ago wasn't >> >plugged in much. It is on constantly now and rarely deviates by much >> >in tuning or regulation. I'm guessing rib/rim separation. Does >> >anyone have other ideas to pursue. I felt around for foreign objects >> >contacting the board and didn't encounter any. >> >> >I'll be going back for the pre-concert tuning Sunday morning armed >> >with a bright light, syringe with needle, and CA glue. I'm open to >> >other ideas. >> >> >Andrew Anderson, Artisan Piano
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