Buzz in an S&S D

Jeffrey Cutler jwcpianotech at
Sat Mar 1 08:02:06 MST 2008

>>> I found a strange and similar buzz on a new B in a dealer warehouse,
it turned out to be the silver duplex(?) bridge just ahead of the  
pins. It was
just barely touching the plate brace. Probably happened during  
delivery or
setup. We moved it just a hair and viola! Or was it violin! My 2 cents.

Jeff Cutler
Stillwater MN

>> >I did a pre-concert-rehearsal tuning on an S&S D at a local venue
>> >today.  There was a pronounced buzz for notes B3 B4 B5 when firmly
>> >played.  I have already treated a cross-strut buzz on this piano
>> >successfully.  Checking it did not change the buzz at all.  I put my
>> >hand down through the second hole on the plate and pushed on the
>> >sound-board which stopped the buzz.  ?!!  This is a five-year-old D
>> >with a DC system on it which until I came three years ago wasn't
>> >plugged in much.  It is on constantly now and rarely deviates by  
>> much
>> >in tuning or regulation.  I'm guessing rib/rim separation.  Does
>> >anyone have other ideas to pursue.  I felt around for foreign  
>> objects
>> >contacting the board and didn't encounter any.
>> >I'll be going back for the pre-concert tuning Sunday morning armed
>> >with a bright light, syringe with needle, and CA glue.  I'm open to
>> >other ideas.
>> >Andrew Anderson, Artisan Piano

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