dating pianos

David Boyce David at
Sat Mar 1 04:32:34 MST 2008

Yes, so true about owners.

Owners perceive their piano in quite a different way from, say, their car. 
The chances are that if the piano is old, the owner WILL have some interest 
in its provenance.

The ability to impart that "secret knowledge" has always been part of the 
tuner/technician's function in the home, if he or she has Pierce or the 
Musician's Piano Atlas or the European Piano Atlas.

But the internet has brought, and continues to bring, a "paradigm shift". 
So much is available on there to be found out, on any topic, and 
increasingly people tend to go straight there and dig for themselves.

I'm pretty sure that the quantity of piano-related information available on 
the internet is going to increase, and it may not be all that long before 
someone puts a website together that has much of the factual information in 
the piano atlases.

Best regards,


The owners are the ones mainly interested in how old their pianos are...I 
see no harm in that...

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA  94044

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: Don <pianotuna at>
To: "Pianotech List" <pianotech at>
Received: 2/28/2008 4:00:00 PM
Subject: dating pianos.


>If I were going to date anything it would be a woman. *grin*

>Once upon a time two brothers bought identical cars. One brother followed
>the recommended maintenance for things such as oil changes--and the other
>did not. Guess which car was still running ten years and 100,000 kilometers

>I see very little value in knowing the age of a piano. All that matters is
>the condition it is currently in.

>Our magnificent rebuilders can take just about any "box" and with unlimited
>funding can turn it into a "better than new" instrument. They may pick and
>choose what is their minimum standard for a shell to be worth
>Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.

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