I wrote: >> I have seen numerous Steinways from the '60's that required the hammers be this high to prevent having a unworkable keydip. >> Ric asks: << I'm curious to know more about the specifics. On the surface of it it would seem possible to refit the action so that hammers in rest position were at or just below flange tops.<< It wasn't too much trouble to correct, involving longer ratio shanks and longer bored hammers, plus a slight raising of the stack. I think these are cases where the combination of plate height and action height were both at the ends of their allowable tolerances and the combination with the small teflon parts required it. The 60's vintage actions in the STeinways were often really screwy, and it is always a joy to get those things in for total replacement with better geometry. Regards, Ed Foote RPT http://www.uk-piano.org/edfoote/index.html www.uk-piano.org/edfoote/well_tempered_piano.html <BR><BR><BR>**************<BR>Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.<BR> (http://autos.aol.com/used?ncid=aolaut00050000000007)</HTML>
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