Whether the weather?

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@luther.edu
Tue, 31 Jan 2006 05:37:24 -0600

At 06:18 AM 1/31/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>Jason writes:
><< Guangzhou is roughly the latitude of Havana, Cuba.   >>
>Ok, I understand how that could be a humid place,  what about the rest of
>China? Europe, the rest of the world????  My point was, there are so many 
>of different climates around the world, how can any manufacturer "select"
>North America as needing something different in comparison to everywhere 
>Ed Foote RPT

The mantra that I recall hearing many years ago was that, here in the US, 
central heating (somehow claimed to be more of a dessicant than other ways 
of keeping warm) is more common.  I wonder if profit/unit is a part of 
relative humidity calculations...

Conrad Hoffsommer

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