Whether the weather?

John Formsma john@formsmapiano.com
Mon, 30 Jan 2006 21:50:38 -0600

I don't know, Ed. Just looked on the net -- Guangzhou's average annual
humidity is 77%. Right now, New Orleans is 30% and Guangzhou is 57%. 

If pinblocks were drilled at 75% R.H., then were shipped to an area that had
swings from 25%-70%, it could easily explain why the early Pearl River
pinblocks disintegrated in a few years. I'm no wood expert, but I'd say
things would have been better had the factory been climate-controlled then
as it is now.

I also have a few grey market pianos that are doing well. Yamahas and
Kawais. One Yamaha, though, has tuning pins that are somewhat looser than
its comrades designed for the U.S. That's the only one on which I've noticed
anything different.


John Formsma

-----Original Message-----
From: pianotech-bounces@ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces@ptg.org] On Behalf
Of A440A@aol.com
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 9:21 PM
To: pianotech@ptg.org
Subject: Re: Whether the weather?

<< what Mr. Campbell said. He said Guangzhou is pretty humid
-- roughly like the tropics in S. America. Maybe they don't have the huge
climate changes that many places in the U.S. experience. ??? >>

I understand that, however, I don't think anyplace can get much more humid 
that New Orleans, so I still have to wonder what is going on.   I dunno, I
wondered how much of the Yamaha "grey market cautions" are based on
and how much is really based on the wood.  I have several customers with
"Model 500" pianos from wayyyy back, and they haven't fallen apart or 
anything else that I can ascribe to mis-climate.  (I have also seen some
obvious grey 
market pianos that seem to behave just like their more legitimate brethren).

I do wonder... 
Ed Foote RPT 
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