Whether the weather?

A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Mon, 30 Jan 2006 22:20:56 EST

<< what Mr. Campbell said. He said Guangzhou is pretty humid
-- roughly like the tropics in S. America. Maybe they don't have the huge
climate changes that many places in the U.S. experience. ??? >>

I understand that, however, I don't think anyplace can get much more humid 
that New Orleans, so I still have to wonder what is going on.   I dunno, I have 
wondered how much of the Yamaha "grey market cautions" are based on marketing 
and how much is really based on the wood.  I have several customers with Kawai 
"Model 500" pianos from wayyyy back, and they haven't fallen apart or 
anything else that I can ascribe to mis-climate.  (I have also seen some obvious grey 
market pianos that seem to behave just like their more legitimate brethren).  
I do wonder... 
Ed Foote RPT 

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