Whether the weather?

A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Mon, 30 Jan 2006 21:29:51 EST

In discussing Pearl River pianos and their intended markets, John writes:

<< What the
Chinese didn't realize at first is that the climate in other markets is not
the same as in China. Because of that, the U.S. instruments suffered from
the maladies that we have observed. Now, those things have been corrected,
and the pianos are supposed to be good quality. >>

    I still don't understand how this is.  The climate in Florida is as 
different from that in Nebraska as the climate in San Francisco is from West Texas. 
 And all four of the places are different from one another!  
    In other words, exactly what part of the U.S. are the Chinese building 
their instruments for? 
Ed Foote RPT 

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