frequent tuning - floating pitch? was tuning

Conrad Hoffsommer
Sun, 29 Jan 2006 12:23:57 -0600

At 23:17 1/28/2006, you wrote:

>What do you University tuners do in cases like this?  Would you tune all 
>pianos to 440 all the time, or would you be selective, i.e., float the 
>practice rooms, 440 for the teachers studios, etc.
>I have been tuning all the University pianos to 440 (three times a year) 
>and find myself doing huge pitch raises or lowering, depending upon the 
>time of year.

I tune 440 all the time.  With an ETD (I use RCT), I find I can do "pitch 
raise" and tune in the same amount of time that I used to do just a 
straight tuning.  In and out in a classroom hour. (Max time available in 
many situations...)

Conrad Hoffsommer
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