Ron Nossaman
Fri, 27 Jan 2006 23:19:43 -0600

> I have to agree about the improvement. No more "hail damaged" polyester 
> at the NAMM show last week. AND.... they provided some entertainment 
> during set-up and prep. I was crankin' away in a booth not 10 feet away 
> when they herded 15 Keyboard Carriage guys over to hoist a 7 foot 
> rosewood highly carved beauty up on a stage platform that was about four 
> feet off the floor. (there were instruments on display under the stage, 
> also, ... later...) Glad it was them and not me! I had to stop and watch 
> from the sidelines. It would have been.... something if it hadn't gone 
> as well as it did. 

Ah yes, the "debris field" syndrome. Why are the spectators so 
numerous at auto races and political nomination events?

>I wasn't there to see it come down, though. Gravity 
> IS a verb, no?

Like merde? I suppose it depends whether you're above, or under the 
potential result. "Serious", like "heavy", depends on where you're 
standing at the time the bell rings.

Sorry, it's late...
Ron N

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