A440 VS A442

Phil Bondi phil@philbondi.com
Thu, 26 Jan 2006 07:23:19 -0500

Horace Greeley wrote:

> There is another alternative, of course, and that is to have a second 
> D...don't laugh, it's been done more than once.

Ron, I have the pleasure of having a Baldwin SD at 442 - ready for this 
requirement. Usually, I find that orchestras from Europe are the ones 
requesting this. When they see the Baldwin, almost all of them scoff at 
first - and then after some prodding and encouraging to play it, they're 
ok with it - it's at 442, and even though it's not a Steinway(usually a 
requirement in their rider), the piano is a darn good one.

Yes, I have a Steinway D at 440 at the hall also...like Horace said, 
it's been done.

-Phil Bondi(Fl)

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