anyone know of these guys?

J Patrick Draine
Wed, 25 Jan 2006 12:56:49 -0500

On Jan 25, 2006, at 8:26 AM, Don wrote:

> Examples of such persons are La Monte Young, Terry Riley, and Michael
> Harrison - to name a few.


> Does anyone know these folks?

Terry Riley's been around for ages (late 60s); when I've seen him he  
was working at a Moog-like electric organ (perhaps it was a Roland,  
my memory cells fade) which he would intricately retune for  
succeeding pieces of meditative meanderings. I used to play his  
records in my days as a college DJ at CWRU.

LaMonte Young's stuff is interesting, also very drawn out/meditative  
(though sometimes percussive). I think the tuning may have been way  
below A-440 pitch. I recall having a big chuckle on reading that a  
piano had been installed in some modern art museum to enshrine the  
special tuning "permanently." From the text it didn't seem the piano  
would be maintained, the tuning was supposed to stay in its perfect  
state on its own (perhaps aided by good climate control in the museum).

I'm not familiar with Michael Harrison.

Patrick Draine

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