anyone know of these guys?

Thomas Cole
Wed, 25 Jan 2006 09:20:54 -0800

Wikipedia didn't write the article. Go to:

Tom Cole

Don wrote:

>Hi all,
>I was looking up something about care and maintenance and surfed here:
>Tiny url:
>Complete url:
>The article mentions "There are a growing number of musicians and composers
>who are tuning the piano in order to achieve different kinds of harmony not
>possible with equal temperament tuning (normally found on the piano).
>Examples of such persons are La Monte Young, Terry Riley, and Michael
>Harrison - to name a few. Their tunings create never before heard of
>combinations of intervals (some large and some "micro") that lend
>themselves to many beautiful and interesting new harmonies, scales, and
>textural effects not possible in equal temperament. Of course, these brands
>of tuning are limited by the internal structure of the instrument itself.
>One must be very careful because the soundboard or "plate" can only hold so
>much tension before it breaks."
>Does anyone know these folks?
>It certainly sounds as if the Wikipeda folks are anti non equal
>temperment--using a scare tactic of plate breaking.
>Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.
>Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat
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