Soundboard rib question

Calin Tantareanu
Sun, 22 Jan 2006 18:46:48 +0100

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ric Brekne" <>
To: "pianotech" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 12:32 PM
Subject: Soundboard rib question

>> will re-attach it here for your convenience.  The bridge cap is not
> badly split... but I see no reason to not renew it when I am first going 
> to the lengths of pulling the soundboard.

If it's not badly split, i woldn't replace it. Try to keep as much original 
parts as possible. Epoxy is supposed to do wonders in such cases.
After all, people will want to see this piano to get an idea how Bluthner 
made pianos 150 years ago, not to see it turned into a different beast.
I would assume that even if you don't change much, reguilng eveything migth 
improve the sound quite a bit. In 150 years the rim/soundboard had planty of 
time to become unglued, and a wobbly rim will certainly soak up much of the 
soundboard's vibration.


 Calin Tantareanu

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