Soundboard rib question /Jurgen

Ric Brekne
Sun, 22 Jan 2006 12:45:43 +0100

Hi Jurgen.

This instrument is going back on line. And its going to get as close to 
its origional intent as I can make it. . I am aware of the passions many 
feel on all sides of the fence with regard to the question you raise.  
No matter what I do I will get negative responses from some.  But my 
basic philosophy is as follows. A musical instrument is first and 
formost just that. If it is not to be used as a musical instrument then 
it has lost its primary meaning... become as such meaningless.  It can 
take on a new meaning as a museum piece... a historical record... etc.  
Personally I feel that the critera for deciding to turn it into a museum 
peice should be in the main two fold. Number one there should be a clear 
need for this exact record. Number two the instrument should be beyond 
recovery as a musical instrument.  Neither of these is the case.

Then there is my thinking as to the restoration itself.  Just because 
one rebuilds such a thing does not mean one has to change it.  If you 
re-read my posts I am sure you will see that comments like "using 
Imadagawas" are just silly.   In fact... given my well known stance on 
such issues I am very suprised that you voice such concerns in my case.

In short.. I believe in this and in very very many such cases a 
historical record can be achieved while at the same time renewing the 
instrument.  In any case ... its my call and its not going to end up in 
some archive only to be in the end forgotten.  Not at this point in its 
life at any rate.


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