broken Steinway lyre braces
Sun, 22 Jan 2006 08:14:30 EST

Patrick writes:

<<  howabout Steinway actually take an interest in one of the few things

their competitors are better at, and change the system to make it similar

to lets say... Yamaha! -

     The Steinway lyre system is easily the most solid pedal assembly I have 
seen.  Its rigidity and connection with the instrument are what they are 
because of its construction.  I wish all pianos would take the trouble and expense 
to put performance first.  I have yet to see a screwed on bracket stand up to 
heavy use without loosening.  
     The Steinway system is also simple to install, no need for extra arms.  
Just a simple wooden wedge will hold the pedal box up so that the plates are 
engaged while you install the sticks.  It is then a piece of cake to simply 
hold the una corda lever out of the way and slide the whole thing back 1 inch.  
This is easy and the results are bullet-proof.  
Ed Foote RPT

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