Lightening touch by changing damper timing redux

Ric Brekne
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 18:41:37 +0100


I didnt say putting small weights on the keys... tho you certainly could 
do that. I mentioned a variant of the idea Stanwood once told me about 
(and has been related here a few times by others) of raising the key 
about 0.2mm just adjacent and behind the balance rail pin.  I simply 
take a strip of gum paper (for shiming flanges) and run it along the 
back side of the balance rail pins under the paper and cloth punchings.  
This lowers the action weight ratio just a bit... sometimes enough for 
4-5 grams of DW suprisingly enough. 

It seems to have no real significant affect on the distance ratio 
because the fulcrum of the key moves forward as usual once the key has 
traveled about 3/4s of its stroke.

Ric, I'm curious about your method of putting small weights on the  keys in
front of the balance rail holes.  You said you used some kind of  tape?  
the previoius e-mail was the victim of a recent  mass-deletion...
Dave S.

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