VT pitch raising tip--was

John Formsma john@formsmapiano.com
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 07:57:06 -0600


You are "the man."  I'm admittedly too picky and obsessive with aural
tuning. Always feel like needing to do extra checks, which adds more time.
Regular aural tunings with no severe pitch corrections were taking anywhere
from 55-70 minutes. If I worked fast, with just basic checks, I could do it
in 45 minutes, but that was before the VT when I was doing exclusively aural
work. It's amazing how using the machine has slowed me down with aural
tunings (did one the other day). Gotta put the machine away for a while.

Using the VT I can do a tuning in 45-50 minutes.  Like I said, it was a
business decision rather than a purist's decision. I originally got the VT
when my wife was sick with her cancer because I wanted to do fast but good
tunings to get back home to care for her. She passed away 12/2004, and I've
been a single working dad caring for two boys (4 and 2). Therefore, time is
limited, and it's been easier just to let the VT do all my thinking. But,
I'm getting to the point now where I will be able to focus more on improving
my skills, and I want to get back to doing more aural work.

John Formsma

-----Original Message-----
From: pianotech-bounces@ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces@ptg.org] On Behalf
Of Ron Nossaman
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 11:51 PM
To: Pianotech List
Subject: Re: VT pitch raising tip--was

> Yeah, yeah, I know. I've done plenty of aural tuning, and I like my aural
> work just fine. But, the truth is that I just don't tune as fast aurally
> I can with the VT and get the same results. It has come down to time, and
> I've made a business decision to use the VT. It does a great job with the
> one-pass overpull tunings, which I do a lot of. Beats the heck out of
> to do the aural pitch correction first, then a tuning -- which is what I
> used to do before. Saves the customer money, easier on me, great results.
> Now, from a purist's perspective, yup, I'll still argue for aural tuning.
> :-)
> John Formsma

I do the one pass aural overpull tuning pretty quickly. I did ten in 
the last two days (earlier P22 post) in a community college, 
anywhere from 30 to 50 minutes each - depending on how wild the 
treble was. That didn't leave much time for scratching though, until 
I got home. I probably need to make some adjustments...

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