Service Call Tool Case, was: RCT vs. Verituner (opinions from a newly convert)

Sat, 21 Jan 2006 08:15:35 -0500

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Thanks. It's been an evolution - certainly no one intelligent created my =
system! My tool case has been evolving toward the minimalist approach. =
Servicing pianos on the cruise ships has really helped me trim my case =
down in size and weight. Basically I just carry two tuning levers, my =
mutes, lid prop, flashlight, 4-way screwdriver, pliers, crescent wrench, =
oh, and my reading glasses. Then a few other odds and ends tools revolve =
through there - like I see my key easing pliers are in there now, and if =
you dug below my mute bag you would find my upright let-off adjusting =

If a client complains of a particular problem with the piano at the time =
of scheduling, I will throw the likely needed tool in my case that =

I find that the tools in my case are all I need for 90&+ of me service =
calls. 98% of the time, my vehicle is right in the driveway, so if I =
need a special tool, I just go out and get it. I figure that trip =
outside to the car is a threshold for an added charge when invoice prep =
time comes.

I keep my old Sanderson case (bigger) in the car - it has all my =
regulating tools, voicing stuff, and a revolving assortment of other =
tools - if I need it, I just carry it in also.

I've even got my big-a$$-trunk Lincoln up for sale - again, trying to =
scale down the stuff I bring to routine service calls. With so much =
going on in my shop these days, I find that when I need a certain tool =
unexpectedly on a service call it is often not in my trunk, but in my =
shop anyway - so why try to bring the whole shop with me to every =
service call. I guess I just figure that if their piano is that screwed =
up, I either pop the action out and take it with me back to my shop, or =
reschedule for another service call to fix their obviously unusual and =
complex piano trouble.

Just trying to keep it simple!

BTW: Just bought a new Toyota Prius - first tank: 57 mpg - =
wahoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! =20
Last Sunday I did a couple service calls - drove about 50 miles and =
managed to squeeze 72 mph out of it - the light traffic allowed me to =
utilize driving techniques that maximize fuel mileage!

Terry Farrell
  ----- Original Message -----=20

  Ah...I like the simplicity of your service kit...

  David Ilvedson, RPT
  Pacifica, California

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