Lightening touch by changing damper timing redux
Thu, 19 Jan 2006 06:18:52 EST

David writes:

<< I've read opinions about this where some techs say that changing  damper 
timing "doesn't really lighten the touch, it only gives that  perception."  
As a 
piano player, the difference was quite noticeable in  terms of weight and 
control.  As a tech, I noticed a five gram difference  when I measured it.  
 The best two features of this operation?  1).  It  works   2).  It's easily 
reversible. >>

     Yes, the later damper lift reduces the effort the pianist must apply to 
the action, however, it is only effective when the pedal is not depressed.  
     The worst feature of this operation is that it becomes virtually 
impossible to play legato  on a piano like this and the overall sonority goes down.  
In dealing with pianists that have encountered such an action set-up,  I have 
had complaints that the piano sounds brittle and shallow.  

Ed Foote RPT

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