One Piano Per....Marshall

Susan Kline
Wed, 18 Jan 2006 23:11:46 -0800

At 08:13 PM 1/18/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>but to say "I'm calling to schedule a tuning" seems harmless provided you 
>add in the question somewhere "Do you have a regular tuner." etc.

As others have said, I think that this particular opening line has you
on very thin ice. "I'm calling to schedule a tuning" implies that someone
from the church has asked you to call and schedule the tuning. i.e., the
decision to have you tune the piano has already been made by someone
with the authority to do it, and you're just arranging the time to come.

"Do you have a regular tuner?" contradicts "I'm calling to schedule a
tuning," and the net result is confusion. Is he our tuner, or isn't he?
Has someone asked him to schedule a tuning? Who? When he says, "Do you
have a regular tuner?" is he trying to get us to agree to a fixed
tuning schedule?

If somebody thinks that someone else in the church management asked
you to call, and schedules a tuning with you, and then finds out that
no one did, you could end up with some hard feelings. "Hapless secretary"
just about covers it.

Just my usual HO.


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