Replacing let off buttons

David Love
Wed, 18 Jan 2006 20:16:21 -0800

I was reading Jon Page's nice tip in the PTJ about using the hammer head
extracting pliers for the installation of let-off buttons.  I've recently
come to prefer pressing the new buttons onto the screws rather than turning
them on.  This is easily accomplished when the let off rail is removable
(for example, on a Knabe).  You can use an arbor press (such as a drill
press with a wooden dowel inserted) and press the new buttons on uniformly
by setting the depth gauge on the press and supporting the rail with a
slotted piece of wood to accommodate the top of the screw eyes.  On a
Steinway, however, since the rail is not removable, you can't use this
method.  Jon's tip gave me the idea that after removing the old let-off
buttons (a pair of center pin nippers works well too) and then adjusting the
level of the screws so that the amount of screw protruding from the bottom
of the rail is the amount you want inserted into the new button, you can
easily press the new buttons onto the screw using the hammer head extracting
pliers but with the hex head bolt removed completely.  Similar to Jon's
article, the fork portion straddles the screw eye and the opposite side
supports the new let-off button while you squeeze it into place.  It goes
quite fast.    

David Love 

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