Tuning Standard

David Nereson dnereson@4dv.net
Mon, 16 Jan 2006 23:31:56 -0700

KeyKat88@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 1/4/2006 1:16:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> adarpub@midrivers.com writes:
>     A friend in Brazil has been talking to me about the possibility of 
>     beginning tuning, and I'd be glad to help out.  But she says that 
>     there pianos are generally tuned 1/2 step flat.  I'm curious about 
>     that.  Does anyone know why that might be?  Because of that, she
>     says 
>     they have mostly limited themselves to keyboards to avoid the
>     obvious 
>     pitch/transposing challenges.
>     Arlie Rauch
>     Glendive, MT
> There used to be a Rogerio Cunha, a Brazilian technician who 
> participated in this list but I haven't seen his name lately.  But his 
> e-mail was:


I lived in Brazil for a year and played several pianos there, mostly at 
school, but don't remember any of them being 1/2-step flat.  Maybe a lot 
of them are just neglected for lack of technicians, so they go ages 
without tuning and end up that low. 
    --David Nereson, RPT

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