AAA Yellow Pages trade listing

Fri, 13 Jan 2006 22:54:13 -0700

    Just as you'll find "Authorized Yamaha(or whatever) Dealers", etc., 
with separate and sometimes duplicate listings for particular retailers, 
there is a "trade listing" available for "Piano Technicians Guild", 
followed by italicized "Registered Members" and "Associate Members".
    Not to spur ANY thread on this list, (as opposed to ptg-l) about 
categories, but merely to point out that the use of a trade listing in your 
Yellow Pages advertising can be very beneficial. It also has the side 
benefit of helping to expose the "concept" of a guild, or professional 
organization, involving piano technicians. Using the trade listing along 
with the regular (or minimum) regular line listing gives you 
double-exposure. Other members have the option of using the listing, and it 
soon grows into a respectable sub-set of the section. Many times I've had 
customers ask about the Guild because of this listing.
   Ironically, my listing got messed-up in one of the two books (same'd they do that?)  last year, so..... it didn't cost me a 
thing to be listed as an associate. Oh well.
    My goal remains.....

      ....... unlisted number.

Guy Nichols, RPT
Temporarily wearing the Trade Relations Committee hat.......

At 05:39 PM 1/13/2006 -0800, you wrote:
>Good going, Brian. I won't ever do it -- for one thing,
>I've never wanted to live in such a big place that my
>yellow pages listing could get lost in a crowd -- but who
>can argue with success?
>At 08:15 PM 1/13/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>>Hmmmmm???  I get many calls because I am the first in the yellow pages.  I
>>ask polite questions, try to personable and most of the time get a new
>>So, I think the business name that starts with AAA worked well for me.  If
>>you are going to have expense of being in the yellow pages, be at the top.
>>And return phone calls!!! So many others in the book do not return calls.  I
>>can't understand's their loss.
>>Brian P. Doepke
>>AAA Piano Works, Inc.
>Pianotech list info:

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