Susan Kline
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 17:39:50 -0800

Good going, Brian. I won't ever do it -- for one thing,
I've never wanted to live in such a big place that my
yellow pages listing could get lost in a crowd -- but who
can argue with success?


At 08:15 PM 1/13/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>Hmmmmm???  I get many calls because I am the first in the yellow pages.  I
>ask polite questions, try to personable and most of the time get a new
>So, I think the business name that starts with AAA worked well for me.  If
>you are going to have expense of being in the yellow pages, be at the top.
>And return phone calls!!! So many others in the book do not return calls.  I
>can't understand's their loss.
>Brian P. Doepke
>AAA Piano Works, Inc.

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