Last Minute Cancellations?

Phil Bondi
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 12:27:01 -0500

Joe, this just happened to me yesterday, but mine was a little different 
- a straight-up no-show...but I know the lady of the house is caring for 
a sick husband. What I did was call and leave a message saying that I 
was there, and please call to re-sched.

So far, no one has called.

Here is a case where a bill will be sent if I don't hear from them by 
Monday. I use to feel differently about people the 
benefit of the doubt..we're human, etc.

But recently, I missed a Dr.'s appointment and they charged me $50. I 
called the same day of the missed appointment, and they were not able to 
get me in until 6 weeks later.

Needless to say, I wasn't happy about being billed, but I paid it.

This person, if she doesn't call, will not be happy about my bill. I 
can't help that. A missed appointment is a lost opportunity for someone 
else to receive my service.

In your case, send a bill and write them off(something I would have 
never done up until recently)'s not worth a second of your time to 
worry about it..they certainly aren't worried about your time, or bottom 


-Phil Bondi(Fl)

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