mystery click puzzler

Thu, 12 Jan 2006 14:01:26 -0600


That's very common. But it's usually lower than that where the noise 
is. Usually in the tenor area.
We have some "lease" Kawai's and I usually have to adjust that on 
every one of them.


At 07:10 AM 1/12/2006, you wrote:

>Just yesterday I had a mystery click in a new Kawai RX-2 with just a 
>few notes-F5 thru G#5.  When I pulled the action I played with the 
>damper levers and found most of them made a clicking noise, so I 
>checked the upstop rail and it was too high.  (forgot to check it 
>when I prepped)   I adjusted the upstop rail and they wouldn't click 
>anymore, but I didn't take more time to investigate why.
>Bill Schlipf Bloomington, IL

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