F3/A4 as pitch test

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@luther.edu
Mon, 09 Jan 2006 07:45:20 -0600

At 08:20 AM 1/9/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>This F3/A4 stickler can be avoided by tuning from a C fork.
>I don't comprehend the devotion to an A fork when a C fork
>works just as well, actually easier in my understanding.
>Tune C4 to the C5 fork then F3 to C4 as a fifth,
>Tune G3 to C4, D4 to G3, A3 to D4, etc...
>Has worked for me lo these many years.  A440 every time.
>Jon Page

Different strokes for different folks.

The philosophy behind my devotion to an A fork (when tuning aurally) is as 
follows: If you're aiming at A why not go at it directly, instead of 
beating around the bush and hope that you don't have a few errors creeping in?

You and I both have enough experience to keep aural temperament errors to a 
minimum, but newbies may not be as lucky.

Definitely a YMMV situation.

Conrad Hoffsommer

Every great idea has a disadvantage equal to or exceeding the greatness of 
the idea.
  -Murphy's Law calendar

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