Cracking the unisons

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 06 Jan 2006 18:02:31 -0600

> No they donīt and there are good physical reasons why they donīt. (You 
> will find not one tuner at Steinway (at least in Hamburg) who is allowed 
> to service concerts with an ETD for example). This has nothing to do 
> with traditionalism or ignorance to modern technology.
> Most modern ETDīs are doing fast fourier transformation (FFT) for pitch 
> calculation.

Oh, really? The only one I know of using FFT for anything is 
Tunelab, for the spectrum display (and perhaps unison 
determination). Pitch matching is done with an entirely different 
algorithm. I've put in a fair amount of time writing code and 
exploring DSP pitch detection methods, and real world pitch 
detection is tough. A pure tone can be measured accurately with an 
FFT phase angle, but if there is a way to measure a piano tone 
partial accurately in real time (or at all, for that matter) with 
FFT, I'd sure like to know the method.

Ron N

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