Andrew and Rebeca Anderson anrebe@sbcglobal.net
Thu, 05 Jan 2006 19:22:01 -0600

Some of the string makers are offering the double german loop.  Do 
people find this holds well?  Would this be a satisfactory solution 
for the flexibility problem?

Andrew Anderson

At 01:01 PM 1/5/2006, you wrote:
>I have a Mason Hamlin A.
>I remember a discussion abut the dreadfully short tail length.
>You will see that (photo attached) there is about 1/2 inch from the 
>rear bridge pin to the start of the winding twist of the bass 
>string.  Not much flexibility in that set up.
>It's easy to see that even if the bass string is trying to move the 
>bridge up and down, the plate is trying to hold it still.
>Del---I know, I know it needs a board and bridge. I won't disagree. 
>Well it's not going to get it.
>I do plan to pull the plate, refinish the board and plate.  Rescale 
>and restring too.
>Question:  Since it is 2 inches from the rear bridge pin to the 
>hitch pin, if I ground down the plate enough to use vertical hitch 
>pins, would I get enough improvement to make it worth while?  Any 
>thoughts on what kind of bass string loops to use?
>Carl Meyer PTG assoc
>Santa Clara, Ca.
>pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

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