Ric Brekne
Thu, 05 Jan 2006 21:01:48 +0100

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Carl writes:
/I have a Mason Hamlin A

I remember a discussion abut the dreadfully short tail length.

You will see that (photo attached) there is about 1/2 inch from the rear
bridge pin to the start of the winding twist of the bass string.  Not much
flexibility in that set up.
My understanding is that as long as its wagging its not a big problem :)
It's easy to see that even if the bass string is trying to move the bridge
up and down, the plate is trying to hold it still.

/Holding the beasts tail eh ???  Well.. a short rope is a short rope no 
matter how you stake it... yes ?  Poor puppy is going to be choked no 
matter how waggly his tail is.


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