Working while tuning

Ric Brekne
Wed, 04 Jan 2006 21:05:19 +0100

I'm sure some might react this way.  Tho I doubt it really matters much. 
The point is that you need time and experience to build your skills.  
You can build your client list as time goes by. It will grow as your 
reputation improves and that in turn will improve with time... and hard 
work.   I'd say you are in a good spot. You have a regular job you can 
hold onto as you practice and hone your skills as a pianotech.  Be Happy 
with the situation !



Does anyone on the list feel that a client will not be as dedicated to
you if they know that you are not a full-time tuner/tech yet?
I am currently working a full-time job while in the process of breaking
into tuning.

Thank you

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