---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment In a message dated 9/9/2003 3:09:53 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [link redacted at request of site owner - Jul 25, 2015] > Subj: Crowned Ribs on M&H? > Date: 9/9/2003 3:09:53 PM Pacific Daylight Time [link redacted at request of site owner - Jul 25, 2015] > Reply-to: <A HREF="mailto:pianotech@ptg.org">pianotech@ptg.org</A> > To: <A HREF="mailto:pianotech@ptg.org">pianotech@ptg.org</A> > Sent from the Internet > > Hi John I was at Mason & Hamlin 3 years ago and recieved a tour from Kirk Burgett. I won't swear to it but I believe he spoke about the ribs having several different radii. I saw the same racks but didn't stop to look specifically at the ribs or the crown alleged. I haven't torn down any Mason yet with crowned ribs either but then again it seems I'm the only one who has seen a half dozen reverse crown executions in various makes. Odd thing are out so there maybe Del stumbled on the only two crowned rib experiments these companys ever produced. Dale > > Delwin D Fandrich wrote: > > >P.S. You mention in defense of the compression-crowned soundboard that you > >"maintain literally dozens of elder Steinways and Mason &Hamlins, most > >with original boards, some 100 or more years old..." and go on to extol > >their acoustic virtues. You are aware, I trust, that M&H has long used > >crowned ribs. That's not the same thing. -- ddf > > > Del, > > Not to give you a hard time but the last time I was at the M&H plant a > few years ago the ribs I saw were certainly flat not crowned. They have > a large rack with rows of rib stock machined and ready to be glued to > there boards. There bottom surfaces were nicely profiled in the usual > manner. If there was any crown to these it wasn't deliberate. Also I > have not noticed any more evidence of crowned ribs on older M&Hs than I > do on older S&Ss. When you remove a old M&H board from the case it look > pretty much like an old Steinway Board. Flat as a pancake. I am not sure > if machined crowned ribs of the usual dimensions would show much sign of > there heritage after many years. At least I have never come across ribs > that were obviously crowned on these two makes. > > > -- > John Hartman RPT > > John Hartman Pianos [link redacted at request of site owner - Jul 25, 2015] > Rebuilding Steinway and Mason &Hamlin > Grand Pianos Since 1979 > ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/pianotech.php/attachments/2a/72/3b/3d/attachment.htm ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment--
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